RichQuack’s New Hyper-deflationary Token is the Quick Fix for Inflation By CoinQuora
2021-12-17 15:35:15
RichQuack’s New Hyper-deflationary Token is the Quick Fix for Inflation RichQuack’s New Hyper-deflationary Token is the Quick Fix for Inflation

  • RichQuack launches a hyper-deflationary token, QUACK.
  • It also comes with automatic liquidity to offer high returns and static rewards to its holders.
  • RichQuack’s goal is to make its investors rich.

The inflation tendencies of cryptocurrency and the economic relapse of the world, in general, have resulted in a new form of tokens with deflationary formulas to battle the menace. A new hyper-deflationary token by the name RichQuack is the latest project to ensure holders are adequately rewarded while reducing loss.

RichQuack is a community-based project leveraging hyper-deflationary tokenomics, and automatic liquidity to provide high returns and static rewards to its holders. With over 100,000 and 65,000 community members on Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) and Telegram respectively, RichQuack’s major goal is to make its investors rich.

Through its community, RichQuack hopes to build a formidable unit of diamond hands (hodlers) that will help grow and thus, ensure its vision is accomplished. To guarantee longevity, the company is also creating other use cases such as offering a Launchpad, alongside an i ...

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