
[Complaint number]: 8653
[Complaint object]: [天助启汇MigaFX]
[Requirements]: 全额退款
[Amount involved]: 0.0$
[Complaint progress]: 处理中
FxGecko Customer Service Center Waiting for the broker to process 2022-08-02 11:51:56

Contacted the broker 天助启汇MigaFX

FxGecko Customer Service Center Approved 2022-08-02 11:51:54
anonymous Create a complaint 2022-08-02 11:32:00

2022年广西桂林一批人面兽心的骗子,让很多家庭无法生活,背上负债,有些人甚至一辈子无法翻身!今天 必须曝光他们! 桂林大骗子盘玲(明宇)廖国芸(饭饭)周艺敏(周小敏)张隽等犯罪诈骗团伙,长期在桂林开设网课,晒钱炫富疫情期间利用大家赚不到钱的心态疯狂宣传外汇理财由保险兜底!资金安全!随时出入!亏损了由保险理赔!周艺敏开设工作室,不断教唆对方贷款复投!让很多人背上了贷款无法偿还!桂林桂林全州南宁深圳江西唐山上海新疆涉案金额4-5个亿既然骗子依然逍遥法外! 周艺敏光个人流水半年400多万!多么可怕!还不算微信流水! 事发三个月了,桂林一直没有立案!希望有关部门关注这些骗子已经逃窜到浙江一带!大家千万不要上当,因为他们还买继续坑人继续骗人!为什么还没被抓!周艺敏还宣称拿两个亿摆平这件事!

1. The above content only represents the complainant and does not represent the position of FxGecko;
2. Without authorization, any reprinting of this platform case is prohibited, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibility.To protect rights, go to FxGecko>
To protect rights, go to FxGecko
Although FxGecko is not a market supervision department, it is not binding on the foreign exchange platform, but when more and more people know about FxGecko, more and more people leave their complaints records on FxGecko , more and more people go to FxGecko to check before consumption, then FxGecko will be more and more valued by foreign exchange platforms, so as to actively deal with the above complaints.
Of course, some foreign exchange platforms can no longer operate by themselves, delaying refunds, no matter how foreign exchange investors complain on FxGecko, the foreign exchange platform will not have any feedback. But the more people complain, the more they can remind other foreign exchange investors not to be deceived.
Forex complaint black platform is on FxGecko. FxGecko, a complaint and rights protection platform that safeguards foreign exchange rights and actively fights for the weak.



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